Saturday, October 23, 2010


2010年十月二十一日 (农历九月十四) 宗盟社陈氏宗祠现任副主席有良宗亲很不幸因心脏病猝逝。有良宗亲也是本宗词第一,二和第三节青年团团长(1997 – 2003),然后就担任本社理事会副主席到。。。。。。。。。。。。。。为宗盟社陈氏宗祠付出不少功劳。



中秋晚会 19 Sept 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

生羊 - 祭拜祖先的来历?

ENKI - 亚当与夏娃的创造者

Lost book of ENKI Page 128   (ENKI  也是---  PTAH - 古埃及之神, SHIVA - 古印度之神 )

Let us from Nibiru ewes that sheep become to Earth deliver, 
(让我们把会生羊的母羊从 Nibiru 带到地球送来)

Let us the new breed of Earthlings(人类) farming and shepherding teach.

Pre 2205 BC, the Chinese were
already offering sacrifices to ShangDi (上帝 ) at Mount
Tai in Shandong Province, at the eastern border of China
(Shang Shu).1 HuangDi ( 皇帝), the emperor during the
Legendary Period, as recorded in the Shi Ji (史记 ), built
an altar so that a sacrifice could be made periodically to
ShangDi. It was a tradition that only the worthy emperors,
who also functioned as high priests to ShangDi, were
allowed to perform the most magnificent sacrifice ( 封襌).
ShangDi is frequently referred to as ‘Heaven’ (Tien, )

Sheep as a sacrificial animal (生羊 - 祭品)
The emperor was very particular about the selection
and the preparation of the sacrificial animal in order to
please ShangDi. The evening before the sacrifice was to occur,
the bull, or sometimes a sheep, was thoroughly
inspected and cleansed. The Chinese offered a bull and a
sheep as sacrificial animals to ShangDi, and also to their
‘worthy’ ancestors. A sheep, viewed as gentle, together
with a bull, an animal that represented loyalty, were used
as sacrificial animals。

Source from

The Lamb of God hidden in the ancient Chinese characters
